Thursday, August 29, 2013

One Hour Of Magic

Hockey Practice.
One hour of magic.
A time when real time doesn't matter. When problems temporarily disappear.
When a new identity becomes reality. Heart rates increase. Lungs expand. Legs burn. Strength appears.
One hour of magic.
Coaches yell. Coaches coach. Coaches teach. Coaches get lost in the moment. Coaches become kids again. 
Players work. Players sweat. Players bond. Players get lost in the moment. Players are allowed to be kids, even when they are no longer kids.
An hour that is the same to a pee wee as it is to an NHL player.
Some psychiatrists charge $250 an hour. Some hours of ice cost $250 an hour.......divided by twenty.
An hour that hurts. An hour that feels great.
One hour of magic.
New things are tried. New skills learned. Old habits removed. New habits instilled.
Confidence nurtured. Laziness deterred.
An hour that moves faster than any hour of math class. When friendships are forged. Leadership abilities appear.
One hour of magic.
Family members for a moment are forgotten. New family members embraced. Illness and sickness are gone. 20 bodies are exercised in unison. One common thread becomes a rope. A team.
Hockey practice.

One hour of magic.

Kerry Huffman
'Member of the NHL Alumni Association"

Kerry's Bio